Theology on Tap

Sunday, October 2, 7:30pm,
4th Tap Brewing Co-op, 10615 Metric Blvd.

Come for a cold drink, fellowship and casual faith conversation. Just look for a table tent with Martin Luther holding a beer mug…that’ll be us!

The conversation is open to anyone regardless of church membership or faith affiliation, so please invite your friends!

We meet the first Sunday of every month, so if you can’t make it this month make plans to attend next month. Cheers!

Blessing of the Animals

Tuesday, October 4th is the commemoration day for St. Francis of Assisi, renewer of the church, 1226.

Plans are being developed by the Frances Jonan, SPCA Director, Sarah Hammel, Katelen Knef, Shelter Managers Austin Humane Society and Pastor Karl Gronberg for the annual blessing of the animals.

This blessing affirms the decades long partnership between Gethsemane Lutheran and the Austin Humane Society.

Pastor and Dar Krenek along with classes from the Gethsemane Lutheran Children’s Ministry plan to tour the SPCA building as the dogs and cats are blessed. Two volunteers from the SPCA/Austin Humane Society will join Gethsemane congregants in worship October 2nd bringing with them “friends” to receive a blessing during the Children’s Time on St. Francis Sunday, October 2nd.

Gethsemane gives thanks for the partnership shared with the SPCA/Austin Humane Society.

GLCM Fall Festival

Gethsemane Lutheran Children’s Ministry’s Fall Festival will be in the Multi-Purpose Room and out on the back lawn. It will include games, arts and crafts, silent auction, food, live music, prizes, bounce house, cake walk, face painting, harvest pictures and a petting zoo! Put on your costumes and bring your family and friends out for a FUN fall day while you help support the continued growth of our community!

Tickets for food and activities will be 50 cents each paid with cash or check (w/ valid driver’s license, address and phone number).

For more information or to volunteer your time, contact Lacy Compton at or Angelica Lundquist at

Sunday Learning Hour

Pastor Richard Strait invites Gethsemane congregants to join the Sunday Adult Class in the Steffans Parlor, 9:30 a.m. to explore “Half-Truths”. They are simple phrases. They sound Christian-like something you might find in the Bible. We have all heard these words. Maybe we have said them. They express some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways. This five week Bible study invites class participants to search for the whole truth by comparing clichés with the wisdom of the Bible. Some of these statements: “Everything happens for a reason, God helps those who help themselves, God won’t give you more than you can handle, God said it, I believe it, that settles it, Love the sinner, hate the sin”. There will be interesting conversation as the class looks as these clichés in the light of the Gospel.

CHILDREN SUNDAY SCHOOL: 2 yr.olds-3rd graders Godly Play in the Godly Play Room-downstairs.

4th-6th graders JAM (Jesus & Me) on the go in the Music Room downstairs;

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL 7th-8th Grade Confirmands meet in the Confirmation Room.

Senior High meet in the Youth Loft.

Fall Midweek Connections


September 21 – November 16, 2016

11:00 a.m. Faith Conversations with Pastors Gronberg & Schnelle
12 Noon Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
5:30–6:30 Supper ($5 each; $15 family) (MPR)
6:15–7:10 Faith Conversations with Pastor Gronberg, Confirmation class with Pastor Susie, and Children/Youth activities (PreK-12th grade)
7:15–7:30 Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
7:30–7:45 Mentors & Confirmands
7:45–8:45 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (MR)

September 14th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for September 14, 2016 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Bishop’s Installation

Rev. Erik Karl Joseph Gronberg, a son of Gethsemane Lutheran, Austin will be installed as Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Saturday, 10 a.m. September 17, 2016.

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will preach and preside.

The installation is hosted by First Presbyterian Church 1000 Penn St., Fort Worth, Texas.

Pastor Gronberg was baptized at Gethsemane by the beloved late Gethsemane pastor the Rev. Willis Erickson. He affirmed his baptism in the Rite of Confirmation and was ordained into the Word and Sacrament ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at Gethsemane Lutheran. Erik is a graduate of Gethsemane Lutheran Children’s Ministry, (Good Beginnings Never End); AISD schools: Maplewood Elementary, Keeling Middle School, Reagan High; Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts; Luther Seminary St. Paul, Minnesota. Erik is a Ph.D candidate at Dallas Baptist University. He has served Martin Luther Lutheran Church, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin and Trinity Lutheran Ft. Worth, Texas.

Gethsemane congregants may contact Pastor Karl or Sharon Gronberg for installation information.

Thank you Gethsemane Lutheran for giving witness to the heritage and faith of the church community, to Erik and all called to serve the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Theology on Tap

Sunday, September 11, 7:30pm,
Cherrywood Coffeehouse, 1400 E 38th 1/2 Street.

Come for a cold drink, fellowship and casual faith conversation. Just look for a table tent with Martin Luther holding a beer mug…that’ll be us! If the weather is nice, we’ll be out on the patio.

This event is open to anyone regardless of church membership or faith affiliation, so please invite your friends!

We meet the first Sunday of every month, so if you can’t make it this month make plans to attend next month. Cheers!

Rally Sunday, God’s Work Our Hands

Sunday, September 11th is Kick-Off for the Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Educational opportunities (Sept. 21st) at Gethsemane.

All ages will gather in the MPR at 9:30 a.m. to celebrate the beginning of a new year of growing in faith together. After the opening, children and youth will go downstairs to meet with their teachers. Parents are asked to go with them to get them registered.

Following the 10:30 a.m. worship, a delicious BBQ lunch prepared by Gethsemane members Greg & Debbie Pitts (aka Rusted Shut BBQ) and Gethsemane Men-in-Mission.

The afternoon of Sept. 11 is an opportunity for Gethsemane congregants to reaffirm ministry to the neighborhood. This will be an multi-generational opportunity for service work restoring/reconciling communities. Wear or plan to purchase a “God’s Work, Our Hands” t-shirt to wear for this day of service together.

The blood mobile will be here again this year-blood donors sign up for this opportunity to Give the Gift of Life.

Volunteer opportunities include: Ashlynn Althaus’ Girl Scout Silver Award project at Gethsemane Park, making toys for the Austin Humane Society in the Multi-Purpose Room, weeding the gaga ball pit area at the Ministry House & Elroy/Moline Lutheran Cemetery cleanup in Elroy. Signup sheets for each these opportunities are in the narthex.

See you Rally Sunday.