Category Archives: YOUTH

Youth-Led Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Wednesday, November 22 at 7 pm

Worship on Thanksgiving Eve either at the regular noon liturgy or at 7 pm for the annual Youth-Led Praise and Thanksgiving worship. The spirit of Thanksgiving is to give, so please bring food donations for the Gethsemane Food Pantry.

The annual Angel Giving Tree will be on display in the Narthex. Choose an ornament for holiday donations to T.A. Brown Elementary School families. A take-home Advent devotional will also be available in the Narthex. Advent begins on Sunday, December 3.

Affirmation of Baptism & Reformation Sunday

Sunday, October 29h
Reformation Sunday
 – Remember to WEAR RED this Sunday!
Affirmation of Baptism – Reception during Sunday School at 9:30 am to honor the confirmands. All are welcome!

Since 1973, Reformation Sunday has been designated the Sunday when Gethsemane youth are invited to Affirm their Baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Reformation Sunday is celebrated by the Lutheran/Reformation community as the Sunday to focus “on the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ-the good news– that makes us free!” The Reformation community prays for the Holy Spirit to continue uniting the church catholic in proclamation and witness for all the world to hear of the grace of God. In the blessed sacrament of “Holy Baptism, the people of God are made one body;” giving thanks for Dr. Martin Luther and all the reformers past and present.

Gethsemane youth, having completed study/participation in Gethsemane Lutheran confirmation ministry will affirm their baptism Sunday, October 30th. Family members present a candle, symbolic of the confirmand’s baptismal candle.  Continuing a Gethsemane tradition of four-plus decades, the confirmands introduce family members during the 9:30 am Sunday School Hour.  These baptized Christians claim their family faith heritage by affirming their gratitude for the nurturing they have received on their faith journey since baptism. Congratulations parents, grandparents, and extended family for encouraging the Gethsemane Lutheran 2023 Confirmation Class to live their baptismal birthright.

God’s Work Our Hands & Rally Sunday

Sunday, September 10

Don’t miss this exciting day at Gethsemane! Wear or plan to purchase a “God’s Work Our Hands” shirt to wear for this day of service together.

Gather for Rally Sunday in the multipurpose room at 9:30 am to celebrate the beginning of a new year of growing in faith together. After the opening, children and youth will meet with their teachers. Parents are asked to go with them to get them registered.

Following the 10:30 am worship, enjoy a delicious BBQ lunch prepared by Gethsemane members Greg & Debbie Pitts (aka Rusted Shut BBQ) in the multipurpose room.

After lunch, participate in the annual “God’s Work Our Hands” multi-generational opportunity for service work restoring/reconciling communities.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Make pet toys for the Austin Humane Society
  • Donate food and clothes for the Food Pantry & Clothes Closet
  • Give blood at the “We Are Blood” blood mobile in the Gethsemane parking lot
  • Contribute birthday party supplies for single mother families at The Jeremiah Project
  • Work on GLCM outdoor playground beautification
  • Clean up around the church campus, including the kitchen pantry and MPR tables
  • Sign greeting cards to Gethsemane members in need of love and prayers
  • Bring baked goods to deliver to local emergency responders and to enjoy as a community after lunch
  • Donate costumes, dress-up, pajamas, and accessories (ALL MUST BE NEW) and/or monetary donations for Katrina’s Cocoon Crew to bring smiles to children battling cancer and other life-threatening illnesses
  • Make a Blanket of Love
  • Help serve the BBQ lunch

Signup sheets for each of these opportunities are available in the narthex or sign up online.

See you there!

Senior High Mystery Tour Adventure

July 9-14 in Colorado and New Mexico
Planes, trains, and automobiles!

Eight senior high youth will embark on a grand adventure this summer to Colorado and New Mexico (the rest of the details are a secret!) Thanks to the Gethsemane community for supporting the youth summer activities through the Dinner Theater and by attending the trip as sponsors.

Contact Pastor Susie for more details.

“Baobab Blast” Vacation Bible School

Join Gethsemane Lutheran’s “Baobab Blast” VBS Week:
June 19-23, 2023 from 8:45 am to 12 pm

Register Your Child to Attend VBS Week

Gethsemane invites all children age 3 by June 19, 2023, including those completing 6th grade, to register for our FREE in-person VBS Week! 6th graders may also choose to assist as a volunteer. 7th graders and older can sign up to assist with VBS as volunteers. You are encouraged to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors to participate in this fun outreach ministry!

Each day begins with opening songs and stories in the sanctuary at 8:45 am. You are welcome to come any time after 8:15 am; there will be supervision on the church grounds. The morning includes storytelling, music, craft time, recreation/games, and a light snack. Each day there will be an opportunity to bring an offering of money or canned goods to support the Gethsemane Food Pantry.

***Each day the person picking up their child(ren) after VBS must come into the narthex to sign them out for the day with their group leader.***

All are invited to the closing program on Friday morning at 11:30 am in the sanctuary followed by a hotdog lunch in the Multi-Purpose Room with a freewill offering to help with VBS expenses.

Volunteer at VBS

We need help in the craft area, preparing and serving snacks, the storytelling room, games, and being a guide to lead the children from one area to another. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and make a difference in the lives of children. You are invited to volunteer even if you can only assist one day. Gethsemane is grateful to all who lead Vacation Bible School! Adults of all ages as well as 6th graders and older can sign up to volunteer at VBS.

Order VBS T-Shirts

Gethsemane VBS 2023 T-Shirts are available for $12 or $15 each. Your shirts will be delivered during VBS. Order and pay by Monday, June 5th to be guaranteed a shirt. Deliver cash or check payable to Gethsemane to the church office. You may also pay online using the “OTHER (please specify)” section and adding an additional 3% processing fee.

Youth Dinner Theater Fundraiser

Dinner * Silent Auction * Live Auction * Great Show!

Saturday, April 22

4:30 pm Silent Auction
5:00 pm Dinner
5:45 pm Live Auction
6:00 pm Show

Tickets: $15 (dinner and a show!)
Children 3 & younger are free
Purchase tickets in the Narthex on Sundays

Auction Items Needed!
Help raise money for the youth trip by donating to the silent auction by April 16:

  • WINE for the wine pull
  • Themed gift baskets (gardening, movie night, board games, etc.)
  • Gift cards
  • Baked goods and artwork
  • Gifts of service (host a dinner, babysitting, lawn services, etc.)

Email the church office with a description of the items to be donated.

Playbill Ads
$25/Half-Page, $50/Full-Page
You are invited to place an ad in the playbill. Email the church office with your order. Past supporters may use the same ad as before or send a new layout. New supporters please send a layout in Publisher format and/or a PDF.

Ash Wednesday – February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday Services will be held on February 22 at Noon and 7 pm

The Season of Lent commences Ash Wednesday, February 22nd with the Christian faithful receiving ashes and meditating at the Gethsemane altar from 7-8 am, 11 am to noon and/or 5:30-7 pm.

Ashes will also be offered for pickup to-go. Call the church office to arrange a pickup.

Ash Wednesday In-Person Eucharist Services:

Lent is a traditional time of reflection, meditation, and preparation. Pick up an “Into the Wild” Lenten devotional in the Narthex or download a digital copy. The Season of Lent is a season of walking into the wild, a 40-day journey filled with wild beasts, wild love, beauties, challenges, gifts, and visions. A journey that begins with ashes, and ends with joy. Gethsemane Lutheran congregants and friends are invited to take this adventure with Henri Matisse, one of the more daring, influential, and beloved artists in modern history. He once said he “liked to pray with a pencil: at the moment I go every morning to say my prayers, pencil is in hand; I stand in front of a pomegranate tree covered in blossom, each flower at a different stage, and I watch their transformation..filled with admiration for the work of God. Is this not a way of praying”? People of the Lenten journey-young and old-grab a pencil ( or a crayon, or a paintbrush!) your favorite Bible, and a decent internet connection (all the paintings referenced in the devotional can be found online – see the Companion Link Sheet for guidance). Week by week, with the words of Scripture and the art of Henri Matisse as a guide, head into the wild-all the way to the beautiful, joyful love of the coming new day!

Thanksgiving Eve Youth-Led Worship

Wednesday, November 23 at 7 pm

Worship on Thanksgiving Eve either at the regular noon liturgy or at 7 pm for the annual Youth-Led Praise and Thanksgiving worship. The spirit of Thanksgiving is to give, so please bring food donations for the Gethsemane Food Pantry.

The annual Angel Giving Tree will be on display in the Narthex. Choose an ornament for holiday donations to T.A. Brown Elementary School families. A take-home Advent devotional will also be available in the Narthex. Advent begins Sunday, November 27.

Praise Pumpkin Patch Display

Take Photos in Gethsemane’s Praise Pumpkin Patch
Beginning Sunday, October 23!

Come enjoy the Gethsemane Garden with the beauty of the harvest season! We have our Praise Pumpkin Patch set up again this year in the Gethsemane Garden. All are welcome to take photos in the patch!

GLCM classes will use the space for photos as well, and it will be open to the community at GLCM’s Fall Fest on Saturday, October 29 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Affirmation of Baptism

Sunday, October 30th
Reformation Sunday
 – Remember to WEAR RED this Sunday!
Affirmation of Baptism – Reception during Sunday School at 9:30 am to honor the confirmands. All are welcome!

Since 1973, Reformation Sunday has been designated the Sunday when Gethsemane youth are invited to Affirm their Baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Reformation Sunday is celebrated by the Lutheran/Reformation community as the Sunday to focus “on the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ-the good news– that makes us free!” The Reformation community prays for the Holy Spirit to continue uniting the church catholic in proclamation and witness for all the world to hear of the grace of God. In the blessed sacrament of “Holy Baptism, the people of God are made one body;” giving thanks for Dr. Martin Luther and all the reformers past and present.

Gethsemane youth, having completed study/participation in Gethsemane Lutheran confirmation ministry will affirm their baptism Sunday, October 30th. Family members present a candle, symbolic of the confirmand’s baptismal candle.  Continuing a Gethsemane tradition of four-plus decades, the confirmands introduce family members during the 9:30 am Sunday School Hour.  These baptized Christians claim their family faith heritage by affirming their gratitude for the nurturing they have received on their faith journey since baptism. Congratulations parents, grandparents, and extended family for encouraging the Gethsemane Lutheran 2022 Confirmation Class to live their baptismal birthright.