Gethsemane VBS

The annual Gethsemane Lutheran Vacation Bible School June 19-23, 8:45 a.m.-12 noon.

Theme: A Mighty Fortress: Truth Be Told.

Gethsemane Lutheran Children’s Ministry students and staff will participate. Plan to enroll by June 14th. Adults are invited to volunteer, even if you can only assist one day. Help in the craft area, music, prepare and serve snacks, the storytelling room, games, or being a guide to lead the children from one area to another. Please note on the registration form which days you can assist and in which activity you would prefer to help.

This is an opportunity to make new friends and make a difference in the lives of children.

Thailand Ministry Commences

Gethsemane members Khem & Pim Saythongkham await the arrival of the University of Texas-Austin students, their advisor David Powell and Pastor Susan & Lee Schnelle.

The water filtration system has been paid for by Gethsemane members with installation to begin upon the arrival of the students.

Khem took with him financial gifts to enable the completion of the the church building named “Blessing Church.” This is the 7th ministry started by Gethsemane congregation.

Thanks Gethsemane Lutheran for your prayers, words of encouragement, financial support for cooperative ministry with UT-Austin Projects with Underserved Communities.

Art Exhibit Reception

Third Annual Gabriel Loire Art Exhibit
began Friday, April 21st
closing reception Saturday, May 20th 3-5 p.m
at Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Austin, Texas

In 2015, the Lutheran Visual Arts Council of Central Texas hosted their first Abundant Life Art Exhibit. Gethsemane Lutheran is hosting the Third Annual Abundant Life Art Exhibit which began Friday April 21st, the birth date of the late Gabriel Loire, artist/creator of the Gethsemane Lutheran Stained Glass Windows.

Gethsemane artists, artists from the Austin community and GLCM children include pieces from Clare William Andrus, Pehr Smith, Jeanell Buida Bolton, Lee Bolton, Erin Rosales, John Berry, Pam Bornemann Atkins, Gary Bever, Caroline Maclay Beyer (late & beloved), Ben Beyer, Virginia Springer Marek and Kileen ‘Kay’ Menem Freitag (late & beloved). The 2017 exhibit is dedicated in memory of Reformation artist Lucas Cranach 1553. Special thanks to Clare Andrus, Pehr Smith, Angelica Ludquist, Tracy Williams and John Berry for coordinating this exhibition in commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of Lutheran Reormation.

Gethsemane members are invited to visit the exhibit in the Steffans Parlor. Plans are for a closing reception Sunday, May 20th 3-5 p.m. when the artists discuss their work.

May 17th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for May 17, 2017 is available.


Lectors Needed! If you are interested in becoming a reader of the lessons, contact Becky Rippy.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


God’s work, Our hands.


Daily Devotions, new each day, are posted on the “Worship Services” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.