Ash Wednesday – March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday Services will be held on March 2 at Noon and 7 pm

The Season of Lent commences Ash Wednesday, March 2nd with the Christian faithful receiving ashes and meditating at the Gethsemane altar from 7-8 am, 11:30 am to noon and/or 5:30-7 pm.

Ashes will also be offered for pickup to-go. Call the church office to arrange a pickup.

Ash Wednesday In-Person Eucharist Services:

Lent is a traditional time of reflection, meditation, and preparation for the Lenten journey. Daily reflection cards centered around a “floriography” theme will be available for pickup in the Narthex or download a digital version below.

Youth Tackle Hunger: 32nd Annual Souper Bowl of Caring

Bring non-perishables and cash for the Gethsemane Food Pantry on Sunday, February 13

For 32 years, this event has transformed Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving/serving. Thousands of youth groups and passionate individuals unite to “Tackle Hunger Together”. Gethsemane youth will greet the community (they will not tackle you) following the 10:30 am liturgy inviting the Gethsemane faithful to give a gift benefiting the Gethsemane Food Pantry. Celebrate the 32nd anniversary of this ministry by giving a generous donation on “Souper Bowl Sunday.” 

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Yummy Pancakes are Back!

Tuesday, March 1 from 5:30-7 pm
The traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is on! The Gethsemane Men in Mission will serve delicious pancakes, sausage and applesauce in the Multipurpose Room. A take-out option will also be available.

Tickets on sale in the narthex on Sundays: February 20 & 27

$6.00 for adults, $2.00 for children under 10

Profits will go to Men in Mission benevolent projects. Come and enjoy the food and fellowship in preparation for the Lenten season. Please observe Gethsemane COVID protocols.

Annual Congregational Meeting
The annual Gethsemane Congregational meeting will be held during the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in the Multipurpose Room. See you there!