“Discovery Canyon” Vacation Bible School

Join Gethsemane Lutheran’sĀ “Discovery Canyon” VBS Week:
June 20-24, 2022 from 8:45 am to 12 pm

“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart and tell about the wonders you have worked.” – Psalm 9:1

Register Your Child to Attend VBS Week

Gethsemane invites all children age 3 by June 20, 2022 and including those completing 6th grade to register for our FREE in-person VBS Week! 6th graders may also choose to assist as a volunteer. 7th graders and older can sign up to assist with VBS as volunteers. You are encouraged to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors to participate in this fun outreach ministry!

Each day begins with opening songs and stories in the sanctuary at 8:45 am. You are welcome to come any time after 8 am; there will be supervision on the church grounds. The morning includes storytelling, music, craft time, recreation/games, and a light snack. Each day there will be an opportunity to bring an offering of money or canned goods to support the Gethsemane Food Pantry.

***Each day the person picking up their child(ren) after VBS must come in to the narthex to sign them out for the day with their group leader.***

All are invited to the closing program on Friday morning at 11:30 am in the sanctuary followed by a hotdog lunch in the Multi-Purpose Room with a freewill offering to help with VBS expenses.

Volunteer at VBS

We need help in the craft area, preparing and serving snacks, the storytelling room, games, and being a guide to lead the children from one area to another. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and make a difference in the lives of children. You are invited to volunteer even if you can only assist one day. Gethsemane is grateful to all who lead Vacation Bible School! Adults of all ages as well as 6th graders and older can sign up to volunteer at VBS.

Order VBS T-Shirts

Gethsemane VBS 2022 T-Shirts are available for $12 or $15 each. Your shirts will be delivered during VBS. Order and pay by Monday, June 6th to be guaranteed a shirt. Deliver cash or check payable to Gethsemane to the church office. You may also pay online using the “OTHER (please specify)” section and adding an additional 3% processing fee.

VBS Daily Themes

Each day will include a different story from the Bible.
Prepare at home for the daily fun and excitement of VBS.

Monday: Liz says to REJOICE!
Parting of the Red Sea; Song of Miriam
Exodus 14:21-24; 15:19-21

Tuesday: Max says to PRAY!
Hannah prays for a child
I Samuel 1:9-27

Wednesday: Olivia says to ASK!
A storm
Matthew 8:23-27

Thursday: Blossom says to TELL!
A dying girl and a sick woman
Matthew 9:18-26

Friday: Felix says to SEEK!
Jesus heals a man who cannot walk
Luke 5:17-26