Dinner * Silent Auction * Live Auction * Great Show!
Saturday, April 22
4:30 pm Silent Auction
5:00 pm Dinner
5:45 pm Live Auction
6:00 pm Show
Tickets: $15 (dinner and a show!)
Children 3 & younger are free
Purchase tickets in the Narthex on Sundays
Auction Items Needed!
Help raise money for the youth trip by donating to the silent auction by April 16:
- WINE for the wine pull
- Themed gift baskets (gardening, movie night, board games, etc.)
- Gift cards
- Baked goods and artwork
- Gifts of service (host a dinner, babysitting, lawn services, etc.)
Email the church office with a description of the items to be donated.
Playbill Ads
$25/Half-Page, $50/Full-Page
You are invited to place an ad in the playbill. Email the church office with your order. Past supporters may use the same ad as before or send a new layout. New supporters please send a layout in Publisher format and/or a PDF.