All posts by GLC

February 1st Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for February 1, 2017 is available.





Lectors Needed! If you are interested in becoming a reader of the lessons, contact Becky Rippy.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Worship Services” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

January 11th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for January 11, 2017 is available.


Lectors Needed! If you are interested in becoming a reader of the lessons, contact Becky Rippy.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Worship Services” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

December 7th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for December 7, 2016 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Worship Services” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Theology on Tap

Sunday, December 4, 6:30pm,
Cherrywood Coffeehouse, 1400 E. 38th 1/2 St

Come for a cold drink, fellowship and casual faith conversation. Just look for a table tent with Martin Luther holding a beer mug…that’ll be us!

The conversation is open to anyone regardless of church membership or faith affiliation, so please invite your friends!

We meet the first Sunday of every month, so if you can’t make it this month make plans to attend next month. Cheers!

Advent Wednesdays

November 30th, December 7th & 14th
Advent soup prepared by Viola Hall & Tim Huston
served at 5:30pm

Learning & Fellowship for all ages

Confirmands meet with Pastor Schnelle @6pm

Adults will meet with Pastor Gronberg and special guests sharing their Advent stories.

“Holden Evening Prayer” Eucharist @7pm
Confirmands meet with their mentors after service

Come light the Advent candles in preparation
for the twelve days of Christmas!

Thanksgiving Eve Youth-Led Service

For over forty years, Gethsemane youth have prepared an annual Thanksgiving Eve Worship.

7:00pm Holy Communion

The spirit of Thanksgiving is to give and Gethsemane congregants are invited to bring food items for the Gethsemane Food Pantry and 2017 commitments of Time, Talents, Treasure.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good”

November 16th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for November 16, 2016 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

3rd Annual Ministry Fair / Chili Cook-Off

Christ The King Sunday concludes the church year. This is the time for the Gethsemane community to look to the past giving thanks for faithful stewards and look to the future encouraging every person within the Gethsemane Lutheran community to make a pledge commitment for 2017 ministries.

Following the 10:30 a.m. liturgy, everyone is invited to the Ministry Fair/Chili Cook Off:

  • over 25 pots of chili to sample;
  • over 25 ministries featured;
  • NEW MUGS THIS YEAR – $5 each;
  • Fair Trade holiday shopping;
  • Live music PLUS
  • the 3rd Annual Viola’s Bake-Off for all ages!

Please come and share in this time celebrating ministries of the congregation and renewing commitment to 2017 ministry. Everyone is needed! Everyone has talents, time and treasure for ministry.

Reserve the date: Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 20

Theology on Tap

Sunday, November 6, 7:30pm,
4th Tap Brewing Co-op, 10615 Metric Blvd.

Come for a cold drink, fellowship and casual faith conversation. Just look for a table tent with Martin Luther holding a beer mug…that’ll be us!

The conversation is open to anyone regardless of church membership or faith affiliation, so please invite your friends!

We meet the first Sunday of every month, so if you can’t make it this month make plans to attend next month. Cheers!