All posts by GLC

Ash Wednesday

The Season of Lent commences Ash Wednesday, February 10, with the Christian faithful receiving ashes and meditating at the Gethsemane altar 7-8am, 11:30am to noon and 5:30-7pm.

Ash Wednesday Eucharist at 12 noon and 7 pm.

January 27th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for January 27, 2016 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


***Thank you Gethsemane members for faithful giving during 2015. If you would like a copy of your giving record for 2015, email the church office, and your statement will be sent to you via email.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Family of Gethsemane Retreat

February 27 – 28 is the 34th annual retreat at Camp Chrysalis (near Kerrville, Texas) for the Family of Gethsemane. Please consider being part of the fun!

This is a very special opportunity for friends and all members of the congregational family: singles, couples, those with and without children, from the very young to the not so young in years, but all young in spirit.

All are “Called by Grace” to come enjoy a relaxed, informal time, to share thoughts, histories, dreams, conversations, laughter, songs, the bread and wine of communion, the fresh air of the hill country, and good food.

“Led by Faith”, you may climb to the cross on the mountain, read your Bibles, play, eat, visit, and rock on the porch.

“Welcoming All to Share God’s Love”, we will meet new friends and have time to relax and be with those we may not know so well. This is a great event to invite friends to share in the family life of Gethsemane.

Please print the 2016 Family of Gethsemane Retreat Brochure and return to Dar, Belinda or Pastor Susie by February 21st.


Wednesday Midweek Connections


January 13 – February 3, 2016

11:00 a.m. Adult Confirmation Bible Study, “I Love to Tell the Story” with Pastor Susie Schnelle
12 Noon Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
5:30–6:30 Supper ($5 each; $15 family) (MPR)
6:00–8:45 Baby sitting available
6:15–7:10 Conversation with Pastor Gronberg, confirmation, English as a Second Language, conversational Spanish and Children/Youth activities for PreK-12th grade
7:15–7:30 Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
7:30–7:45 Mentors & Confirmands
7:45–8:45 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (MR)

January 6th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for January 6, 2016 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Mission Trip

Gethsemane annual Borderland Trip to Eagle Pass is January 8-10, 2016.

Youth 18 and under must have a parent or guardian with them. Annual mission trips include: community garden, painting, cleaning, carpentry, modified Bible School, Spanish worship Sunday morning.

Brochures in the narthex.

Christmas Eve / Christmas Day Services

Thursday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve

12 Noon Christmas Eve Eucharist
7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candle Light Family Worship, Santa Lucia,Christmas apples
11:00 pm Christmas Eve Candle Light Worship, Santa Lucia, Christmas apples

Friday, Dec. 25 – Christmas Day
Nativity of Our Lord

8:00 am Swedish Julotta (Sanctuary)
8:30 am Christmas Fellowship (Narthex)
9:00 am Eucharist, Carols, Christmas Story (Sanctuary)

Children’s Advent/Christmas Program

Waiting is just so hard, isn’t it? And yet every child knows the wonder-filled delight of waiting through Advent for the baby born in Bethlehem. Children, of every age, are invited to the Children’s Advent Festival on December 20th at 9:30am in the Multi-Purpose Room. Children will hear the story of the Prophets, the Holy Family, the Shepherds, the Angels, and the Magi told by St. Nicholas and St. Lucia. It will be a festive morning for all ages, with refreshments, goodies, song and story! Don’t miss it.

Children preparing to help tell the story through play acting and song, are invited to special rehearsals during Advent Midweek Connections on December 9th and 16th and during the Sunday School hour on December 13th in the Multi-Purpose Room.

December 2nd Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for December 2, 2015 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Angel Giving Tree

The Angel Giving Tree to benefit T.A. Brown Elementary families has been placed in the narthex. Plan to fill your Advent/Christmas Season with the spirit of giving by being a Gethsemane Angel and giving a gift to the Angel Giving Tree.

Saturday, December 19, Gethsemane youth gather in the Music Room 9:30 a.m. to prepare and deliver the gifts for Angel Tree  families.  Please return your gifts for our families at T.A.
Brown Elementary by Wednesday, December 16.