The Fair Trade/Equal Exchange ministry is an effort to bring awareness and support to small farm co-ops. Coffee, tea, chocolate, and fair traded craft items are sold at cost. This process allows the small farmer or crafts maker to earn a fair price. No local profit is seen at our congregational level. Check your newsletter or the Gethsemane Facebook page for reminders of sale dates.
Lutheran World Relief Sunday and Presentation of the Quilts
Lutheran World Relief is a non-profit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering.
Mission Quilts

There is, indeed, a transforming moment when a Quilt passes from our hands into another’s, and they embrace it.

When you make and send a Quilt, you are not only comforting someone you have never met, but providing an object that is useful in ways you probably never imagined.
The ultimate purpose of a Quilt is to provide warmth, an essential need for people in every climate, and LWR tries to ensure top standards in fabrics and filler accordingly.
In addition to being a cozy, clean new bed cover, it can be:
- a baby carrier, tied around a mother’s back;
- a market display, spread on the ground and piled with vegetables;
- a sack for transporting those goods to market;
- a sunshade;
- a shawl; and most importantly
- a constant reminder that someone, far away, cares a lot.
Sharing Thailand Ministry trip memories…..