WEDNESDAY Holy Communion Service Paused until further notice
followed by fellowship and conversation 12:30 p.m. in the Parlor
Connect and Reflect During the Week:
Advent Reflections on Peace Hosted by Sumud | December 2, 9,16, 23 at 7pm
As we light the candles on our Advent Wreaths, we focus on four core values of our Christian faith: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. Over the years we have assigned slightly different significance to each of these candles, but they have become pillars of our faith in God through his word that became flesh and dwelt among us 2000 plus years ago now.
This year, The Friends of Sumud-SWT Synod invite you to spend extra time focused on the second candle, the Peace candle. Through reflection, prayer and discussion we will dive deeply into what it means for Jesus to be called the Prince of Peace—in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities and in the world, especially in Israel and Palestine.
Discussion questions will be available on Mighty Network.