In addition to the daily work done in our community, every September we participate in “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday. Our members come together to organize many service projects. Historically, we have accomplished many projects including: cleaning and edging the Historic Moline Cemetery, working with members of the Georgian Acres Neighborhood Association at the Gethsemane park preparing a space for a community garden, donating blood in the blood mobile, making dog toys for the Austin Humane Society, assembling rice and bean meals to be given out to the people who attend our English as a Second Language classes, purchasing household items to help two families who came here from Iraq and Afghanistan, setting up an apartment for another refugee family of five and cleaning up a neighborhood street.
Gethsemane Food Pantry & Clothes Closet – This vital ministry began as an Eagle Scout project in the 1970’s. It has grown through the years and serves thousands of people each year. You may participate in this ministry though your financial contribution and by donating food and clothing. We accept the following food items: canned vegetables and beans, saltine crackers, canned fruit, rice and dried beans, soups and Ramen noodles, canned meat products, pasta and sauces, Macaroni & Cheese, peanut butter and jelly. We accept clean and serviceable clothing and shoes in the current season (summer or winter) for men, women and children. Consider offering your time and talents to serve in this ministry by sorting clothes and stocking the closet and/or distributing food and clothes on one of our Tuesday distribution days.
NOTE: The Gethsemane Food Pantry & Clothes Closet are open Tuesdays from 9 am-12 pm to distribute items to those in need.
Despensa de Alimentos y Ropa:
Martes: 9 am – 12 pm
200 W. Anderson Ln. (Ruta 323 Parada 5646)
Candoli Christmas in July for T.A. Brown Elementary

In memory of Dr. Carl Candoli, who tirelessly worked to show his belief that “every child can learn,” Gethsemane congregants are invited to assist in donating “Back to School” supplies for our neighborhood school, T.A. Brown Elementary whose motto is “The best little school in town, where every child is college bound!”

Each week during the month of July, this “Christmas in July Giving Tree” will be in the narthex and have tags which lists which school supplies are needed.
Please remove a tag and choose what you can donate on the list or, if you prefer, you may make a monetary contribution instead. An educational donation for the children of T.A. Brown Elementary will not only be appreciated, but will also be a special memorial to honor this amazing educator! Thank YOU for your donation & Merry Christmas in July!!!!
December Angel Tree
Gethsemane Lutheran members and families are invited to continue a holiday tradition by sponsoring T.A. Brown Elementary children and their families. The Angel Giving Tree will be available in late November.
ESL/SSL Classes are on hiatus due to the pandemic.
English as a Second Language (ESL) & Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) classes
Ingles como segundo lenguaje y Español como segundo lenguaje clases
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Iglesia Luterana Getsemaní
8 week courses
Cursos de 8 semanas
Thursdays 6:30-7:30 pm
Jueves 6:30-7:30 pm
Children’s Programming & Tutoring Available
Programación y tutoría para niños disponibles
Call 512-836-8560 for details.
Llame al 512-836-8560 para más detalles.