There is a place for you!
Gethsemane Lutheran is in need of worship leaders during the Sunday liturgy for Acolyte, Altar Guild, Assisting Minister, Communion Assistant, Crucifer, Reader, and Greeter/Usher. Anyone new to a position will receive appropriate instruction. Contact Gethsemane Lutheran at 512-836-3560 or email at with any questions.
Members of the Altar Guild are baptized members of Christ’s holy church and are grateful servants and ministers of the worship space. This is a ministry, and it is a privilege to serve whether preparing the altar, polishing silver, cleaning, arranging flower and/or delivering flowers. The altar represents the presence of God and all service is done to the glory of God. Prayer is an appropriate accompaniment to the actual work of the Altar Guild, as is making the sign of the cross remembering our baptism and our call to serve daily.
For more information or to learn how you can join the Altar Guild, please contact the church office.
Would you like to bake the gluten-free bread for Sunday morning Holy Communion? Here is the RECIPE.
A welcoming and helpful atmosphere provides a fruitful environment for everyone gathered for worship. Ushers and greeters serve to present the “face” of the congregation and set the tone for both newcomers and regular worshipers.–ELCA
They also distribute bulletins, collect offerings and usher for communion.
Service is a vital part of the confirmation program. Confirmands will have an opportunity to serve God and the community by being an acolyte or crucifer on Sunday mornings. Acolytes or crucifers assist the pastors by lighting the candles, helping with children’s time and distributing and collecting the offering plates.
A Lector reads the First and Second Lessons, leads the Psalm (if it isn’t chanted that Sunday.) Gethsemane members interested in being a Lector for either service, should contact Terry Neal.
Communion assistants serve by helping the pastor distribute the consecrated bread and wine to the congregation. If you would like to help serve communion, contact Adelle Buehring.