Worship… in person and online

Gethsemane Worship Livestream

Worship with us every Sunday morning at 10:30 am

Worshipping at Home?

Consider creating an at-home altar with communion elements as well as flowers and/or a candle. We encourage each member and friend to “Subscribe” to the Gethsemane Live Stream Worship. There is no cost or obligation to subscribe. Once in the live stream, you should find 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner. You can click on these and select a higher-resolution picture for better viewing. Select the largest number that produces uninterrupted video on your device. Additionally, on most devices, you should be able to click on the live stream picture to allow it to grow to occupy the full screen of your device.

See you in worship!

When you worship at Gethsemane, there is no “dress code.” Come as you are! We encourage God’s children of all ages to worship, learn, and serve together. We are multigenerational and strive to be a community where faith and friendships are nurtured in a safe, accepting and affirming style of church life. All are welcome! All have a place at God’s table of grace and are welcome to fully participate in the ministry of Christ which we share. We open our doors to all who may have been excluded because of sexual orientations, gender identities/expressions, race, economic status, ability, age, or station in life.

Sunday Schedule

9:30 AMSunday Church School for all ages
10:30 AMHoly Communion in the Nave

Wednesday Schedule (on hold after November 6, 2024) 

12:00 NoonHoly Communion in Narthex with a light potluck meal following

December 24th + Christmas Eve Schedule

5 PMHoly Communion with lessons and carols, Santa Lucia, Christmas Apples (Sanctuary)
7 PMThanksgiving for the Word Candlelight Worship, Santa Lucia, Christmas Apples (Sanctuary)

Holy Week Service Schedule* Holy Communion is offered during each of the Sunday morning worship services, at each Wednesday Eucharist at 12 noon, at 4 p.m. Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day.

Maundy Thursday Agape Meal at 6:30pm 

Good Friday Noon Worship Liturgy

Good Friday 7 pm Worship Liturgy

Easter Sunday Festival

9:30—10:15 a.m.   Easter breakfast (Multi-Purpose Room)

10 a.m.      Easter Songfest and Flowering of the Cross in Nave

10:30 a.m. Easter Resurrection Worship

SACRAMENTS: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion

We gather in community to celebrate God’s presence among us…in holy place, among holy people, with holy things, saying holy words. Following an ancient rhythm and practice of gathering in welcome, we see God especially at work among us in the sacraments (holy rite) of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Read more about what ELCA Lutherans believe about the sacraments in the 1999 Use of Means of Grace.

Holy Baptism: People are baptized into God’s grace-filled community at any age. If they are babies, parents and baptismal sponsors make promises on their behalf. If they are young/older adults they make promises for themselves: to live among God’s faithful people, to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth. Baptism is seen as the entrance rite into the church and the beginning of a living, growing, moving, supported in God’s love as a co-worker in the creative and redeeming work of Christ. God’s work, Our Hands.

“Baptized” is a particular membership designation in the ELCA. While the power and act of baptism is from and through God, we promise, for ourselves and our children, to fulfill the promises we make in baptism. Practically speaking, baptized children of Active, Voting Members of Gethsemane are counted in our official number of baptized members. Folks are welcome to bring children for baptism, when they join as active members of Gethsemane too, or if they hold membership in another ELCA congregation out of town.

Holy Communion: Is celebrated each week and is open to all who trust that the body and blood of Jesus is for you, as a part of God’s creative and redeeming work through Christ. Reach out your hand, and gluten-free bread will be given to you. Take a small cup, filled with wine or grape juice, to share in this holy meal, that sustains us in our faith together.

Holy Communion is for all, even very young, baptized children. If a child reaches out for the bread, we trust they know it is for them, and we will share it with them. Throughout a lifetime we have several opportunities to learn more about the mystery that is Holy Communion, especially for children in Godly Play Sunday School and special classes for elementary school children during Lent, and for youth during Confirmation Class.

Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God's Love