Category Archives: Ministry


Gethsemane Lutheran will be offering language learning opportunties for people who want to learn English or Spanish. There will be English as a Second Language and Spanish as a Second Language classes offered on Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm from September 19th thru November 14th (excluding Oct. 31st). If you are interested in either attending classes or volunteering please contact Pastor Schnelle.


The names of persons having received the final commendation of the baptized community since All Saints ‘Sunday, 2017 will be read during 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. festival liturgies.  Family members/friends are invited to light a candle in memory of their loved ones.  The faith community is blessed by saints having lived their baptism as well as those with whom the Gospel is lived today.  All Saints’ Sunday reminds the church community, that by the grace of God, the baptized live and die in God’s mercy and love:

  • Prince Dixon (10/28/2017)
  • Annemarie Ursula Gasch Haydon (11/1/2017)
  • David E. Williamson (11/6/2017)
  • Rachel Martinez (11/15/2017)
  • Sigvard “Siggy” Dahl, Jr. (11/6/2017)
  • Clarence Helmuth Jaster (11/19/2017)
  • Diana Kelsey (12/3/2017)
  • Kody Robert Hampton (12/16/2017)
  • Sharon Utz Kite (12/29/2017)
  • Carol Lynn Ellerthorpe Malin (1/1/2018)
  • Marilyn S. Winters Smith (1/2/2018)
  • Don Ray Swenson (1/9/2018)
  • Haynes Roger Lagerquist (1/14/2018)
  • Agnes Roberts Coker Nelson (1/16/2018)
  • Janice Marie McGarry (1/22/2018)
  • John Gunnar Morlberg (1/24/2018)
  • Dennis Paul Burroughs (2/1/2018)
  • Adrian Glenn Smith (3/7/2018)
  • Joe Callahan (3/12/2018)
  • Jimmy “Jim” Jay Werchan (3/31/2018)
  • Mary Jo Hindman (4/23/2018)
  • Edna Pauline Lundgren Kroll Schilling (4/23/2018)
  • Gladys Christine Hanson (5/24/2018)
  • Nathan Hazelton (5/28/2018)
  • Gwendolyn Lindgren (6/3/2018)
  • Delbert L. Hladik (6/16/2018)
  • Odiene “Dean” William Zellmer (6/18/2018)
  • Dawn M. Velasquez (7/8/2018)
  • Lucia Rose Vasquez (8/13/2018)
  • Amy Ray Cody Smith (8/19/2018)
  • Mable “Mae” Maxine Collins (9/5/2018)
  • Lucy Lee Speaker Grant (9/22/2018)
  • Linda-Marie Schulz (10/4/2018)
  • Stuart Nelson Henry (10/11/2018)

“For all the saints who from their labors rest.  All who by faith before the world confessed.”






Since 1973, Reformation Sunday has been designated the Sunday when Gethsemane youth are invited to Affirm their Baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Reformation Sunday is celebrated by the Lutheran/Reformation community as the Sunday to focus “on the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ-the good news– that makes us free!” The Reformation community prays for the Holy Spirit to continue uniting the church catholic in proclamation and witness for all the world to hear of the grace of God. In the blessed sacrament of “Holy Baptism, the people of God are made one body;” giving thanks for Dr. Martin Luther and all the reformers past and present. Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola  Scripture, Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria. The Gethsemane Sanctuary Choir, directed by Michael Harrison assisted by pianist Patience Jones are preparing special music for the Reformation celebration. Bellissimo, directed by JoAnn Gerbig, join with invited instrumentalists, Gethsemane organist Margaret Manz, and vocalists Dar Joy Krenek, Lee Schnelle add their musical gifts to the Reformation celebration in honor of the 2018 confirmands and in gratitude to God for the Good News of the Lutheran Reformation of 1517.  Gethsemane youth, having completed two years of study/participation in Gethsemane Lutheran confirmation ministry will affirm their baptism Sunday, October 28: Ryan Scott Bohls-January 4, 2004; Katherine Elaine Errett-January 30, 2005; Luke Davis Lundquist-January 18, 2004; Brendan Beckham Raymond-June 20, 2004. Confirmation mentors John Foster, Belinda Malin, Rodger Anderson and Gordon Feller present confirmands.  Family members present a candle, symbolic of confirmands baptismal candle.  Continuing a Gethsemane tradition of  four plus decades, the confirmands introduce family members during the 9:30 a.m. SCS Hour.  These baptized Christians claim their family faith heritage by affirming their gratitude for the nurturing they have received on their faith journey since baptism. Congratulations parents, grandparents, and extended family for encouraging the Gethsemane Lutheran 2018 Confirmation Class to live their baptismal birthright.

“To God Be The Glory!”



A new opportunity to support Gethsemane Lutheran Children’s Ministry with dining opportunities. Upcoming Spirit Nights:  November 6th, Chili’s;  December 4th, Amy’s Ice Cream/Phil’s Ice House. A percentage of sales is given to GLCM when you mention Spirit Night at checkout. Gethsemane members with  a Randall’s Remarkable Card are encouraged to link your card to GLCM’s number 1588 and Randall’s will pay them a percentage of the total! Looking Ahead…..Mark your calendars– the Annual GLCM Fall Festival  Saturday, November 3rd, 10am-1pm, Multi-Purpose Room and north lawn:  Game booths, food, raffle, live music, face painting,  much more. This will be a time to bring the Gethsemane church community, children’s ministry families, alumni and the neighborhood  together. Save November 3rd, everyone is invited! For more information or to volunteer your time, please contact Angelica Lundquist at


Holy Cross Lutheran Rockport Rededication

Through the leadership of Gethsemane member Mary Lou Newman, chair of the Poverty & Justice Task Force Southwestern Texas Synod, in kind assistance and financial support has been given to Holy Cross Lutheran of Rockport. The congregation sustained over $1,000,000 in damage from Hurricane Harvey. Mary Lou and husband Terry along with others from the synod have worked numerous times to help the congregation. On Sunday, September 30th, Holy Cross will have a rededication service at 10:30 am in their refurbished church. Terry & Mary Lou will represent Gethsemane Lutheran expressing the privilege to share with the Holy Cross community as they rededicate their sanctuary and ministry.   At 3 pm, there will be an Open House  to see all of the finished work and to celebrate. For more information speak with Mary Lou or Pastor Karl  Gronberg.


Stained Glass Windows

Pastor Karl & Sharon Gronberg and Ron & Gail Tigue  will have dinner this week with  Laura Buchner, an architecture conservator in New York City. Laura was awarded a fellowship enabling her to pursue her interest in the fabrication of the Gabriel Loire windows. She has visited the Loire family in Chartres, France. Annie Loire encouraged Laura to see the Gethsemane windows. In visiting with Pastor Gronberg prior to her visit to Austin,   Laura was given information on the history of the Gethsemane windows and the warm, friendly relationship of the Gethsemane community with the Loire family. Laura will visit with Pastor and Ron, chairman of the expansion of  chancel and clerestory windows,  as well as visiting the Gethsemane sanctuary to view the windows  up close. Those  having served  on the Gethsemane SGW Committees: Bert Magnuson, Chairman, R.H. Dickerson, Frank Allen, C. Curtis Anderson, LeeRoy Johnson, Philip Nelson, George Wendlandt, Pastor M.L. Lundquist-1963 Sanctuary Building Committee; Ron Tigue, Chairman, Frank Allen, Karl Borman, Toni Ericson, Shirley Lundgren, Bert Magnuson, Dean Zellmer, Pastor Karl Gronberg- Chancel Stained Glass Window Committee; Ron Tigue, Chairman, Karl Borman, Dan Lundquist, Ray Marek, Donna Olson, Grace Rehnborg, Dean Zellmer, Pastor Karl Gronberg-Clerestory Stained Glass Window Committee What a blessing the Gethsemane have been to past decades of believers; what a blessing they are to the church community today and what a blessing they will be to future generations.  To God be the Glory!


Drive A Senior Fundraiser

Gethsemane member Tony Venza is a leader with the Drive A SeniorNorth Central. Gethsemane Lutheran is a charter member of this ministry with the goal of helping senior adults to stay in their homes by providing needed transportation. Due to recent federal government delays in funding senior citizen transportation services such as Drive A Senior, Gethsemane Lutheran was asked to provide “extra” financial support. Through the Carl & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation a gift was given to enable this vital ministry to meet their staff obligations. Tony,  the staff of Drive a Senior and the people they serve express their thanks. Gethsemane Lutheran will host  their annual Fundraiser, September 22nd, 4 pm. The Coordinating Committee have met with Pastor Karl Gronberg and Tony Venza  to plan the event. They will be using the MPR and kitchen. Gethsemane members are encouraged to “Save the Date” to support this ministry to senior adults.



Gethsemane member Tony Venza is a leader with the Drive A Senior– North Central. Gethsemane Lutheran is a charter member of this ministry with the goal of helping senior adults to stay in their homes by providing needed transportation. Due to recent federal government delays in funding senior citizen transportation services such as Drive A Senior, Gethsemane Lutheran was asked to provide “extra” financial support. Through the Carl & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation a gift was given to enable this vital ministry to meet their staff obligations. Tony,  the staff of Drive a Senior and the people they serve express their thanks. Gethsemane Lutheran will host this year the annual Fundraiser, Saturday, September 22nd.



In memory of Dr. Carl Candoli, who tirelessly worked to show his belief that

“every child can learn,” Gethsemane congregants are invited to assist in donating

“Back to School” supplies for our neighborhood school, T.A. Brown Elementary whose motto is “The best little school in town, where every child is college bound!”

Each week during the month of July, the “Christmas in July Giving Tree” will be in the narthex and will have tree tags which lists what exact school supplies are needed for the upcoming school year.

Please remove a tag and choose what you would like to donate on the list or, if you prefer, you may make a monetary contribution which will go to T.A. Brown Elementary.

Note: Please make out all checks to Gethsemane Lutheran Church. On the check memo line, please put For TA Brown Elementary.

The deadline for all contributions is Sunday, August 5, 2018.  An educational donation for the children of T.A. Brown Elementary will not only be appreciated, but will also be a special memorial to honor this amazing educator, Dr. Carl Candoli!

Thank YOU for your donation & Merry Christmas in July!!!!