Category Archives: Ministry


JULY 28-AUGUST 11, 2018

Gethsemane members and friends Elizabeth Kite, Mackenzie Kite, Madison Kite, Dar Joy Krenek Mark McConaughy, Marsha McConaughy, Mary Lou Newman, Julie Rowe, Lee Schnelle and Pastor Susie Schnelle travel  July 28-August 11 to  Monteverde and Heredia, Costa Rica where they will participate in Spanish classes and immerse themselves in the culture of Costa Rica.  In preparation for this experience they have taken Spanish classes at Gethsemane with Jose Moreira and Navy Browning.  Gethsemane has a long history of outreach to people in our community whose primary language is Spanish. This opportunity will  benefit Gethsemane ministry by closing the language barrier.

Cloud Forest Hike
Café Monteverde Coffee Tour
Life Monte Verde Volunteership
Sky Trek (hanging bridges or
canopy zip-line)

La Paz Waterfall Gardens
Worship at the Lutheran church in San Jose
Heredia walking tour
Volunteership with the Lutheran church in San Jose
Tarcoles River nature tour
Farewell lunch

MDA Muscle Walk 2018

Gethsemane members Lester & Lois Johnson invite the community to participate in the annual 2018 Muscular Dystrophy Muscle Walk, Saturday April 28, 9:00 am, Barton Creek Mall. This is another opportunity for Gethsemane congregants to “make a difference” during the 50 Day Easter Festival. The walk and sponsorships “For the Love of Justin” (this is the 14th year) give evidence to the solidarity Gethsemane expresses to Lester & Lois and their beautiful family. See you Saturday!

Easter Season Wed. Midweek Connections

April 4-May 2, 2018
11:00 a.m. Adult Confirmation Bible Study with Pastor Gronberg and/or Pastor Susie
12 Noon Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
5:30–6:30 Supper ($5 each; $15 family) (MPR)
6:00–8:45 Baby sitting available
6:15–7:10 Conversation with Pastor Gronberg, confirmation, conversational Spanish and
Youth activities for PreK-12th grade
7:15–7:30 Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
7:30–7:45 Mentors & Confirmands
7:45–8:40 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (MR)


UT Austin/Gethsemane Serve Thailand 2018

Another group of intelligent and caring students from the University of Texas-Austin are preparing themselves for the trip of a lifetime: serving the people of Thailand. Gethsemane Lutheran will partner again with Projects for Underserved Communities in making a difference for the people in Thailand. Through the leadership of Gethsemane members Mary Lou Newman and Khem Saythongkham along with faculty members from the university, these students have designed the 2018 project to be completed this summer. The students will be sharing personal stories and the project with Gethsemane members during the Easter Wednesday Connections April 11th and 25th. Do you want to know more about this ministry? The history is a story of Gethsemane and the Saythongkham family coming to Austin and Laos/Thailand. You will learn about the students and this ministry on Wednesdays April 11th and 25th.

Men in Mission Trip to Austin Energy-Mueller Energy Center

Men in Mission tour the Austin Energy Mueller Energy Center on Thursday, April 19. This facility provides electric power, chilled water and heating for the Seton Dell Children’s Medical Center and other local
customers. Note that a waiver for must be signed and submitted for a background check to enter this facility. See e-mail and provide form to Jack Westerman. During fellowship, Robert Youens will present his 79 day solo journey in a kayak down the entire length of the Mississippi River. Coffee, donuts 9:00am, Music Room. For details and signup, see Men in Mission Bulletin Board.

ELCA National Youth Gathering 2018

The ECLA National Youth Gathering will kickoff in Houston, Texas on June 27th, and will last until July 1st. This is a fantastic event that we would love all of our youth to be a part of!

For more information, Contact Dar Krenek

English and Spanish Classes / Clases de Inglés y Español

English as a Second
Language (ESL)
Spanish as a Second Language (SSL)

Thursdays 6:00 pm —7:30 pm

Children’s Programming
& Tutoring Provided

For questions call
Pastor Schnelle 512-836-8560
Navy Browning 512-413-9821
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
200 West Anderson Lane

Ingles como
Segundo lenguaje
Español como
Segundo lenguaje
Jueves 6:00 pm—7:30 pm
Programación y tutoría
para niños son proveído

¿Cualquier Preguntas? Habla con
Pastor Schnelle 512-836-8560
Navy Browning 512-413-9821

Iglesia Luterana Getsemaní
200 West Anderson Lane