Category Archives: Mission Work

Borderland Trip

Gethsemane and San Lucas
Borderland Encounter

January 15-18, 2015


San Lucas is celebrating their 27 year history and Gethsemane has been a part of that ministry for about 21 of those years.

This is a special “encounter” or “encuentro” weekend for Gethsemane and San Lucas congregations to work side by side and expand our vision of ministry together.

All are “Called by Grace” to participate: youth, singles, couples, those with and without children, from the very young to the not so young. There is something for all levels of ability. Youth under 18 are asked to have a parent or guardian along for the weekend experience.

“Led by Faith, Welcoming all to Share God’s Love.” This is a great opportunity to work, worship, eat, and share together with the community of San Lucas.

“God’s Work. Our Hands.”

This mission trip includes the installation of a 2800 gallon rainwater capture system, construction of raised garden beds for a community garden, a remodel of the current food pantry to a new client-served pantry, a modified Bible School and Spanish worship Sunday morning. We are in need of volunteers to coordinate and prepare meals including the San Lucas/Gethsemane community dinner. Brochures are available in the narthex. Be ready for some special fun this year!

Passports or birth certificates will NOT be needed as we
will not be crossing the border as a group!
For any questions, speak to:
Pastor Susie or Intern Sharolyn