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Family of Gethsemane Retreat

February 29 – March 1 is the 38th annual retreat at Camp Chrysalis (near Kerrville, Texas) for the Family of Gethsemane. Please consider being part of the fun!

The theme: “Leap into Lent” —1 Peter 5:6-8. Registration brochures available in the narthex.

This is a very special opportunity for friends and all members of the congregational family: singles, couples, those with and without children, from the very young to the not so young in years, but all young in spirit.

All are “Called by Grace” to come enjoy a relaxed, informal time, to share thoughts, histories, dreams, conversations, laughter, songs, the bread and wine of communion, the fresh air of the hill country, and good food.

“Led by Faith”, you may climb to the cross on the mountain, read your Bibles, play, eat, visit, and rock on the porch.

“Welcoming All to Share God’s Love”, we will meet new friends and have time to relax and be with those we may not know so well. This is a great event to invite friends to share in the family life of Gethsemane.

Please print the 2020 Family of Gethsemane Retreat Brochure and return to Dar, Belinda or Pastor Susie by February 16th.

Pentecost: Birthday of the Church and Youth Led Worship

The Festival of Pentecost, fifty days after Easter, celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit calling the church community into life. Pentecost is the third major festival in the life of the church catholic. Gethsemane calls the names of persons baptized into the “one holy catholic and apostolic church” through congregational ministry since Pentecost, 2017. May the Triune God: Creator, Redeemer, Spirit bless the baptized to live the faith of the holy, catholic church giving witness to their identity as people of the eternal promise.

May 20th, Gethsemane youth, led by high school seniors, will lead the community in Pentecost worship. Graduating seniors and Sunday School teachers will be recognized at a reception during the Sunday School hour, 9:30am in the Multi-Purpose Room. All are welcome!

Mother’s Day Pictures

Remember to have your pictures taken with mother on Mother’s Day. These pictures are displayed on the Gethsemane Women of the ELCA Bulletin Board. Worship with mother on Mother’s Day-May 13th. Rev. Richard Hartmann, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America , will present the mission of Food For The Poor during worship and the Adult SCS Class. Consider giving a gift for this ministry in honor of/memory of your mother on this special day.