Since 1973, Reformation Sunday has been designated the Sunday when Gethsemane youth are invited to Affirm their Baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Reformation Sunday is celebrated by the Lutheran/Reformation community as the Sunday to focus “on the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ-the good news– that makes us free!” The Reformation community prays for the Holy Spirit to continue uniting the church catholic in proclamation and witness for all the world to hear of the grace of God. In the blessed sacrament of “Holy Baptism, the people of God are made one body;” giving thanks for Dr. Martin Luther and all the reformers past and present. Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola  Scripture, Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria. The Gethsemane Sanctuary Choir, directed by Michael Harrison assisted by pianist Patience Jones are preparing special music for the Reformation celebration. Bellissimo, directed by JoAnn Gerbig, join with invited instrumentalists, Gethsemane organist Margaret Manz, and vocalists Dar Joy Krenek, Lee Schnelle add their musical gifts to the Reformation celebration in honor of the 2018 confirmands and in gratitude to God for the Good News of the Lutheran Reformation of 1517.  Gethsemane youth, having completed two years of study/participation in Gethsemane Lutheran confirmation ministry will affirm their baptism Sunday, October 28: Ryan Scott Bohls-January 4, 2004; Katherine Elaine Errett-January 30, 2005; Luke Davis Lundquist-January 18, 2004; Brendan Beckham Raymond-June 20, 2004. Confirmation mentors John Foster, Belinda Malin, Rodger Anderson and Gordon Feller present confirmands.  Family members present a candle, symbolic of confirmands baptismal candle.  Continuing a Gethsemane tradition of  four plus decades, the confirmands introduce family members during the 9:30 a.m. SCS Hour.  These baptized Christians claim their family faith heritage by affirming their gratitude for the nurturing they have received on their faith journey since baptism. Congratulations parents, grandparents, and extended family for encouraging the Gethsemane Lutheran 2018 Confirmation Class to live their baptismal birthright.

“To God Be The Glory!”