Gethsemane Lutheran Worship Changes Due to COVID-19

***NOTE: This page is outdated as of July 4, 2021. Updated worship information is available on the homepage.***

Dear Gethsemane members and friends,

Due to the spread of COVID-19 in the city of Austin, our worship services are modified. Following the guidelines of local health officials and the Southwestern-Texas Synod, we have established new ways of worshiping together as a community of faith. These are subject to change as the situation evolves, so please check back regularly for updates.

Online and In-Person Worship Schedule

Online Worship Options:

  • Attend our live Zoom Worship Service every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. You may also stream this worship service through Facebook Live (details below).
  • Watch the recording of the live Zoom worship service on your own time from our Gethsemane Facebook page.
  • Watch the live stream of the Sunday morning in-person worship service here.
  • Watch the recording of the in-person worship service on your own time once it is posted to our Gethsemane Facebook page.

In-Person Worship Options:

  • RSVP to attend in-person our Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 a.m. (social distancing instructions below).
  • RSVP to attend our in-person Wednesday Noon worship service
    (social distancing instructions below).

Online and In-Person Worship Instructions

Online Worship Service Details:

Join us on Sundays at 10:00am for our online worship services. If you’re able, create an at-home altar with communion elements as well as flowers and/or a candle.

Download our Zoom-friendly worship bulletin for this Sunday.

Download the traditional worship bulletin for this Sunday.

Download the children’s bulletins for ages 3-6 or ages 7-12 for this Sunday.

To participate in the online service, you will need to download the Zoom app or program on you phone or computer. Here is the link to access the worship service:

If you’re on a phone, you may not be able to access that link directly. In that case, you will need to go to, click “Join a Meeting” and enter the following:

Meeting number: 6996794165

Password: 234133

If you do not use Zoom, you may view the Facebook live stream of the online service through our Gethsemane Facebook page.

In-Person Worship Service Details:

Join us for our Sunday morning in-person service at 11:00 a.m. and/or for our Wednesday Noon worship service.


  • Please wear a mask
  • Enter through the narthex only
  • Please use the hand sanitizer available at the door
  • You MUST call the church office and leave a message with your phone number to RSVP to attend
  • Maximum attendance is 125
  • If you are sick, have been around someone who has been sick or have any symptoms, PLEASE stay home

Other Ways to Stay Connected With Our Community

This is a difficult time for all of us. However, we can feel good knowing that we are part of the community-wide effort to slow down the spread of the virus as much as possible. By doing so, we are helping keep people healthy and alive.

You can do your part in helping to keep our community well-connected by caring for one another. Call someone you know and check in on them, especially if they are elderly or have health issues that put them at risk. Offer to get groceries or prescriptions if they are trying to minimize contact with others in the community. Encourage those who are feeling anxious or depressed during this time of increased isolation. Reach out to your neighbors in the same way. Keep a prayer vigil going for our community and our church. Make an online offering to ensure we have the financial resources we need to keep operating well in this unique and difficult time. You can mail a gift or use our online giving page: