All posts by GLC

Advent Wednesdays

DEC. 2ND, 9TH & 16TH
Advent soup prepared by Viola Hall & Tim Huston

Learning & Fellowship for all ages Confirmands meet with Pastor Susie @6pm

“Holden Evening Prayer” Eucharist @7pm
Confirmands meet with their mentors after service

Come light the Advent candles in preparation
for the twelve days of Christmas!

The liturgical church year invites the baptized community to be transformed into the Advent Community by lighting candles in the Advent wreath, singing the traditional Advent carols, commemorating St. Nicholas, 4th century Bishop of Myra on Dec. 6; celebrating the first Lutheran worship service in Austin leading to the birth of Gethsemane congregation on Dec. 12; and learning from Santa Lucia to share with others on Dec. 13.

Advent is for the faithful anticipating the celebration of the One who came, comes, will come again—- ”Come, Lord Jesus. Come.”

Thanksgiving Eve Youth Service

Gethsemane youth have led the annual Thanksgiving Eve Worship for over forty years. Thanksgiving is a national time of gratitude in the United States of America to express gratitude for generous blessings.

Gethsemane Confirmands and Senior High youth will create and lead the service.  Please bring non-perishable food donations to place on the altar for the Gethsemane Food Pantry.

The Angel Giving Tree to benefit T.A. Brown Elementary families will be placed in the narthex.  Plan to fill your Advent/Christmas Season with the spirit of giving by being a Gethsemane Angel and giving a gift to the Angel Giving Tree.

Wednesday, November 25th, 7pm

November 11th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for November 11, 2015 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

2nd Annual Ministry Fair / Chili Cook-Off

Christ The King Sunday concludes the church year. This is the time  for the Gethsemane community to look to the past giving thanks for faithful stewards and look to the future encouraging every person within the Gethsemane Lutheran community to make a pledge commitment for 2016 ministries.

Following the 10:30 a.m. liturgy, everyone is invited to the Ministry Fair/Chili Cook Off:

  • over 30 pots of chili to sample;
  • over 30 ministries featured;
  • $5 a bowl for lunch (you can bring your chili mug from last year);
  • Fair Trade holiday shopping;
  • Live music PLUS
  • the 2nd Annual Viola’s Bake-Off for children (children are invited to bring their own baked goods: cookies, cakes, pies or cupcakes!)

Please come and share in this time celebrating ministries of the congregation and renewing commitment to 2016 ministry. Everyone is needed! Everyone has talents, time and treasure for ministry.

Reserve the date: Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 22

All Saints’ Sunday

The names of persons having received the final commendation of the baptized community since All Saints Sunday, 2014 will be read during 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. festival liturgies.  Family members/friends are invited to light a candle in memory of their loved ones.

The faith community is blessed by saints having lived their baptism as well as those with whom the Gospel is lived today.

All Saints Sunday reminds the church community, that by the grace of God, the baptized live and die in God’s mercy and love:

  • Norma Hortense Peterson Wendlandt (11/26/2014)
  • Don Nels Pearson (12/31/2014)
  • Harold Russell Miles (1/13/2015)
  • Kathryn Jean Bell (1/14/2015)
  • James Lee Peterson (1/15/2015)
  • Camille P. Hobbs (2/10/2015)
  • Hazel Estella Nelson Schiwitz (2/20/2015)
  • David Newland Smith (3/5/2015)
  • Mabel Lucille Hall Rich Krenek (3/12/2015)
  • Kenneth Voelcker (3/20/2015)
  • Ola Mae Walker Moore (4/10/2015)
  • Barbara Franklin (4/16/2015)
  • Warren Clark Neil (5/26/2015)
  • Charlotte Lucille Kohrs McCord (7/8/2015)
  • Russell “Rusty” Eugene Johnson (8/19/2015)
  • Frank C.“Pat” Malone  (9/5/2015)
  • Ronald “Rocky” H. Tigue (9/7/2015)
  • D’Onn Ward Stevens (9/21/2015)
  • Emity Evelyn Clunis (10/18/2015)

“For all the saints who from their labors rest. All who by faith before the world confessed.”

Reformation Sunday


Reformation Sunday has been designated, since 1973, the day when Gethsemane youth are invited to affirm their baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Reformation Sunday is celebrated by the  Lutheran/Reformation community as the Sunday to focus “on the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ-the good news– that makes us free!” The Reformation community prays for the Holy Spirit to continue uniting the church catholic in proclamation and witness for all the world to hear of the grace of God. In the blessed sacrament of “Holy Baptism, the people of God are made one body;” giving thanks for Dr. Martin Luther and all the reformers past and present.

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scripture, Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria.

The Lutheran tradition rejoices in the gift of music. Reformation Sunday, 2015 will highlight special music offered by David Spicer, playing on the Gethsemane Memorial Pipe Organ in honor of his granddaughter Alyssa Makay Woodley, a member of the 2015 confirmation class, and all the 2015 confirmands; The Gethsemane Sanctuary Choir, directed by Michael Harrison; Bellissimo, directed by JoAnn Gerbig and invited instrumentalists along with Gethsemane organist Sheryl Johnson Evans, Lee Schnelle and Dar Joy Krenek with a vocal duet, will bring inspiration through musical offerings.

Pastor Charles Wilfong, a retired pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and grandfather to confirmand Heidi Gabriela Lundquist and Pastor Song of Thailand will participate in the confirmand blessing.

Gethsemane youth, having completed two years of study/participation in Gethsemane Lutheran confirmation ministry will affirm their baptism Sunday, October 25:

  • Summer Grace Browning-December 9, 2001
  • Henrick Mark Hoff-February 19, 2012,
  • Amanda Grace Holmstrom-May 13, 2001
  • Jody Kay Johnson-October 29, 2000
  • Heidi Gabriela Lundquist-December 24, 2000
  • Robert Stickley Mount-February 25, 2001
  • Dillon Ta Sareerat-September 30, 2001
  • Devin Dauangdy Saythongkham-April 20, 2014
  • Justin Matthew Snowden-April 29, 2001
  • Alyssa Makay Woodley-October 28, 2001.

Confirmation mentors Kathi Allen, Brenda Brown, Renita Feller, Steve Greinert, Kathy Jurgens, Colleen Krasinski, Belinda Malin, Ken Malin, Ken Schulz, Cal Streeter and Johnny Walker present confirmands. Family members present a candle, symbolic of confirmands baptismal candle. Continuing a Gethsemane tradition of four decades, the confirmands introduce family members during the 9:30 a.m. SCS Hour. These baptized Christians claim their family faith heritage by affirming their gratitude for the nurturing they have received on their faith journey since baptism.

Congratulations parents, grandparents, and extended family for encouraging the Gethsemane Lutheran 2015 Confirmation Class to live their baptismal birthright.

October 21st Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for October 21, 2015 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

September 30th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for September 30, 2015 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.

Midweek Connections



11:00 a.m. Adult Confirmation Bible Study with Pastor Susie Schnelle
12 Noon Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
5:30–6:30 Supper ($5 each; $15 family) (MPR)
6:00–8:45 Baby sitting available
6:15–7:10 Racism with Pastor Gronberg, confirmation, English as a Second Language, conversational Spanish and Children/Youth activities (PreK-12th grade)
7:15–7:30 Holy Communion (Sanctuary)
7:30–7:40 Mentors & Confirmands
7:40–8:40 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (MR)

September 9th Newsletter

The Gethsemane Lutheran Church Newsletter for September 9, 2015 is available.


Our mission statement: “Called by Grace, Led by Faith, Welcoming All to Share God’s Love.”


Thank you for your faithful giving to Gethsemane. Even if you are on the road, you may contribute through Simply Giving on the Gethsemane website; it is fast and easy to use your credit card or bank account to make your regular giving or a one time special gift. Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of Gethsemane.


Daily Devotion, new each day, are posted on the “Readings for Today” page under “Worship” on the Gethsemane Lutheran website.


Send the church office updates on your home and email addresses, phone or other family items for the church records. Let us know if you would like to be taken off the snail mail paper newsletter or should you wish to be removed from the Gethsemane email list.